hookah flavors

Best hookah Flavours in 2023: Your ultimate guide


I love hookah. It’s the perfect way to spend a relaxing night with friends or even just by yourself. Of course, you can’t have a relaxing time without great flavours. And there are plenty of amazing ones out there! Here is a list of my top 10 favourite hookah flavours online in India:

Alfakher – Apple

Cinnamon Apple – This flavour has the most dominant taste of cinnamon, but it’s not overwhelming. It also has a subtle apple undertone with a slight kick at the end.

Apple Mint – This is one of my favourites because it tastes like a chocolate covered mint with an apple flavor blended in. The mint flavor comes through first and then you get this nice little burst of sweetness from the apple candy afterward!

Lemon Mint – Again, another favorite! I love lemonade so this was right up my alley! It’s got a nice balance between sweet and sour which makes it great for people who aren’t big fans of super sweet things but still want something refreshing that’ll take off some calories after eating too much pizza (I know we’ve all been there).

Cinnamon Vanilla Bean – This one reminds me so much of Christmas because it tastes like cinnamon rolls!! You could get away with using this one year round but if you’re looking for something seasonal then definitely try out this one!

Tangiers – Orange Soda

Tangiers Orange Soda is a classic hookah flavour that’s been around for years. Tangiers is a well-known brand, and it’s not hard to see why. The orange soda flavour is refreshing and sweet with just the right amount of mintiness to make it delicious without being too overpowering. It’s also great for beginners because you don’t need much tobacco to get the full effect of this flavour–just pack your bowl with an orange shisha mix, sprinkle some mint on top, light up and sit back while you enjoy its fruity goodness!

Al Waha – Blue Menthol

Al Waha is a brand of hookah tobacco that comes in many different flavors. Blue Menthol is one of Al Waha’s most popular flavors, and it’s easy to see why: the taste is minty and cool, with just enough sweetness to balance out the bitterness of menthol.

Menthol has been used for centuries as an ingredient in cigarettes (and other tobacco products), medications and food products like chewing gum and mints–it even appears in some personal care items like deodorant sprays!

Nakhla – Vanilla

Vanilla is a flavour that is popular with hookah users, and for good reason. It’s not only delicious but it’s also a great mixer. If you like to mix your flavours, then vanilla can be combined with many other types of tobaccos and fruits to create some truly unique combinations.

Some people prefer smoking their hookahs alone and just enjoy the taste of plain tobacco, while others prefer to mix different flavors together in order to create their own unique experience every time they smoke out of their pipe or bowl. Whatever kind of smoker you are, there’s probably something out there that will appeal to your taste buds!

Al Fakher – Mint

  • Mint is a very refreshing flavor, especially on a hot day.
  • It’s great to mix with other fruity flavors, like lemon or watermelon.
  • You can also use it to enhance the taste of tobacco, which is what makes this hookah tobacco so popular among smokers.

Starbuzz – Blue Mist

Starbuzz Blue Mist is a great choice for those who want to try something new. The flavor is a mix of blueberry and mint, which makes it perfect for smokers with sensitive palates or those looking for something refreshing.

Starbuzz Blue Mist is ideal for experienced hookah smokers who want to try something different from their usual flavor choices, but this blend will also appeal to newer users as well because it doesn’t require too much effort when smoking it. This tobacco provides a smooth smoke that doesn’t leave behind any harshness or bitterness on the tongue after you’re done puffing away on it!

Blue Mist comes in two different sizes: 50g (1.75oz) or 250g (8oz). You’ll need at least one bowl full per person if you plan on sharing with friends; otherwise feel free go ahead and use both containers yourself! Just remember that these containers aren’t refillable so don’t waste any by overfilling your bowl too much!

Starbuzz – White Peach

The flavor of this hookah tobacco is sweet and fruity, with a gentle note of peach. The smell is even more intense than the taste, and it’s hard not to want to take a big whiff when you open up one of these bags.

The smoke from White Peach has that classic Starbuzz quality: thick clouds with good visibility and little-to-no odor or harshness in your mouth when inhaling. It has all the elements you’d expect from a high-quality shisha tobacco–good burn time (about 45 minutes), minimal ash buildup on your bowl, easy lighting–and then some! The flavor really pops out at you when smoking this particular brand because it’s so fresh and natural; there are no artificial additives here like other brands use in order to boost their popularity among customers who aren’t necessarily knowledgeable about what goes into making quality hookah tobaccos

Fantasia – Pink Lemonade

Fantasia is a brand of shisha and tobacco. Pink Lemonade is one of their best hookah flavors, with notes of sweet and tart lemonade. This flavor works well during summertime or as an all-day vape for any time of year. It’s also a great choice for beginners because it doesn’t have too much going on–you can focus on what you like most about this flavor without getting overwhelmed by other components in the mix.

Starbuzz – Guava

Guava is a sweet fruit with a tropical flavor. It can be eaten raw or made into preserves, jellies and other desserts. The guava tree has large leaves and fragrant white flowers that are followed by small green fruits with edible pulp inside them that smells like bubblegum!

To use guava in hookah tobacco:

  • Add one tablespoon of chopped up guava (fresh or frozen) to your hookah bowl before packing it down tightly with foil paper. If you’re using unwashed shisha leaves then sprinkle them on top of the guava chunks before covering everything up with more foil paper so that nothing burns while smoking this flavor out of your bowl later on down the road tonight!

Social Smoke- Blackberry Bliss

Blackberry Bliss is a very popular flavor. This sweet and fruity blend has a pleasant aroma and is great for beginners.

There are many great hookah flavours on the market.

There are many great hookah flavours on the market. Some are better than others and some will be more expensive than others, but it’s important to know what you’re getting into before you invest in a product.

Some flavours will be more popular than others; for example, chocolate mint has been around for a while now and is still very popular among smokers today. Other flavours may not be as well-known but can still give you an enjoyable experience if you choose wisely!

Some flavours are healthier than others; some contain artificial sweeteners or other ingredients that may not be good for your health over time–so make sure that when choosing a flavour of shisha tobacco (or any product), read all labels carefully!


In conclusion, there are many great hookah flavours on the market. If you’re looking for something fruity or minty, then these five flavours should be at the top of your list. They have been around for years and have proven themselves time and time again as being delicious!

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